Barham Public School

Quality primary education in a caring and consistent environment.

Telephone03 5453 2133

Kitchen & Garden









The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program's aim is to develop lifelong healthier and happier eating habits in children by having them grow, harvest, prepare and share delicious and healthy food. Led by our garden specialsit, Ainsley Fyfe, and our kitchen specialist, Sharon McConnell, and a wondeful group of volunteers, all students at Barham Primary School participate in one aspect of the program each week.  Classes attend a garden session one week and a kitchen session the following week.

The program helps children learn-new language to describe foods, plants, textures and flavours; use maths to measure and weigh, work as a team, develop greater self confidence, develop awareness of the environment, sustainability plant diversity and lifelong healthy eating awareness.

On this page you will find many of the recipes your children have enjoyed making and sharing at school. We hope you take the opportunity to explore these tastes at home and also enjoy preparing and sharing.

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